Series 2, Episode 5: The Sindi Zilwa Business Leadership journey
This story is as much a lesson of business success in the face of formidable odds, as it is a valuable lesson in parenting. It is a powerful demonstration of how sometimes remarkable business leadership doesn’t start with the leader in question’s vision, but with someone else’s vision for them.

As Sindi Zilwa relates in this video interview, her journey to being the co-founder and CEO of the highly-respected Nkonki auditing firm, began with her parents’ vision: for their children to qualify for commercial, corporate careers, in order to secure their futures.

To this day, the regularly- (and much) awarded Zilwa credits her many successes and accolades to her mother’s passion and drive for her children to succeed.

However, the day came when she made the decision to embrace that vision and make it wholeheartedly her own, when she met the first black person in South Africa to qualify as a chartered accountant: Professor Wiseman Nkuhlu.

Watch as she relates this and other stories from her life, and shares the most valuable leadership lessons she learnt along the way…

In partnership with FNB, Moneyweb presents this bespoke leadership video series with top business people. The interview draws on the person’s life, failures and the lessons they have learnt on their journey to the successful leadership positions they hold today.

Other business leaders share their stories here: